This month with KKTV we discussed gym memberships and Medicare. Lyndsey Pouncey of the YMCA joined us in discussing what the YMCA and the Senior Center of Colorado Springs have to offer to Seniors and how to gain access at no cost with your Medicare plan.
Medicare plans with gym memberships
A lot of Medicare plans now offer free gym memberships as a part of their benefits package. These free gym memberships come in a variety of names, but if your plan offers a free gym membership the end result is the same…. you get to go to a gym at no cost, such as the YMCA and the Senior Center of Colorado Springs.
Medicare plans such as Medicare Advantage plans (Medicare Part C) or Medicare Supplement plans provide these gym memberships. If you are unsure if your current Medicare plan is providing the free gym membership benefit, give our office a call and we can let you know if you have access or let you know how to get access. Many beneficiaries on Medicare do not even realize what benefits actually are a part of the plan they chose, let alone if there is a free gym membership included. So, do not feel alone if you are unsure what benefits your Medicare plan is providing to you.
That is what our offices in Southern Colorado are here for. With our local offices you can schedule reviews of your plan options and benefit reviews to ensure you take advantage of everything that is available in your area at no cost. We can also let you know what gyms are near you that will allow you to utilize your no cost membership benefit.
YMCA and the Senior Center
The YMCA and the Senior Center of Colorado Springs were able to join us this month for KKTV to go over some of the great benefits their buildings provide. If you have not been to a YMCA recently it is definitely worth the trip. The YMCA is providing daily Silver Sneaker programs, group exercises, pool therapy, racquetball games, cycling, and much more. They are very involved with the community and try to provide as much resources as possible to the senior community.
There are several YMCA buildings around Southern Colorado that provide a ton of senior oriented services. Take a look at the local YMCA locations and join one today at no cost with your free gym membership!

YMCA pool class
Veterans and Free Gym Memberships
Veterans with VA access or Tricare For Life do not get a gym membership (unless you want to go to the base with all the trainees) included with their coverage benefits when they get Medicare. HealthCare coverage with Tricare and service-connected veterans can be top-notch, but when it comes to some of the ancillary benefits such as a free gym membership the government is not providing it.
The great thing is there are plans available for Veterans that provide the gym membership benefits, along with many other benefits. If you have not had a chance to review your Medicare & Tricare or VA access coverage, then you should reach out to us because you are missing out on benefits that you are eligible for. We know it can seem daunting and seem “too good to be true”, but there are plans available for Veterans that do not affect the government provided HealthCare to enhance the benefits provided.
Thank you to KKTV 11 Connects
We are very happy to be apart of the KKTV 11 connects family and to be able to provide these valuable interviews with them. If you have not had a chance to take a look at what KKTV 11 connects is doing in the community, take a look at KKTV 11 connects page. We look forward to next month’s interview and hope you will enjoy it. (Get excited: we will be joined by a great person, helping an organization do great things for those with Alzheimer’s- can you guess who it is, or what organization?)
As always if you have any more questions you are more than welcome to reach out to our office and talk with one of your local Medicare Brokers. We have several offices throughout Southern Colorado.
You can call us directly at 719-404-3202
Or navigate to our contact page and we can reach out to you.